Is there anything better for breakfast than a fresh, hot homemade sourdough bagel? Trust me on this, when it comes to this recipe, there isn’t.

Sourdough Bagels
Prep Time:
45 minutes
Cook Time:
25 minutes
Additional Time:
16 hours
Total Time:
17 hours 10 minutes
- 125g sourdough active starter
- 240g warm water
- 25g organic raw honey
- 10g sea salt
- 575g organic bread flour
- For boiling the bagels
- 3 quarts water
- 2 tablespoon baking soda
- 2 tablespoon brown sugar
- Combine sourdough starter, water, honey, salt, and 275g of flour to a stand mixer.
- Mix until it comes together, about 10 minutes on low speed. The dough will be really sticky.
- Slowly add remaining flour, about 100g at a time. Use a dough hook and knead until you've added all the flour and the dough is smooth and pliable.
- Cover the dough with a wet cotton towel, plastic wrap, or beeswax wrap and allow to ferment for 8 to 12 hours.
- After the dough ferments, divide into 8 equal balls.
- Flatten the balls down a bit, and poke a hole in the middle with your finger. Stretch the hole a bit to widen.
- Cover with a cotton towel and allow the dough to rise in a warm spot for 1-4 hours or until puffy. Patience is key.
- Preheat oven to 425F degrees.
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add the baking soda and sugar.
- Using a slotted spoon, gently add bagels to the water. I use a chop stick to spin the bagel and widen the center hole. Boil for one minute on each side.
- Shake off excess water and dip into desired toppings (optional).
- Place boiled bagels on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
- Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden on top.