As a child, I remember my mom making crepes more often than pancakes. It was a staple treat on Saturday mornings and one I thought everyone had. Making them now brings back those memories; maybe that’s one reason I love them. The other reason is, whether sweet or savory, they are delicious!

- 375g sourdough discard
- 200g warm water
- 175g heavy whipping cream
- 3 eggs
- 60g organic cane sugar
- 50g organic flour (Einkorn or Emmer are great)
- 50g melted butter
- 5g baking soda
- 5g sea salt
- MIx the discard and water together in a large bowl
- Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well
- Set aside for an hour
- Get pan nice and hot. I like to add a bit of butter to the hot pan for the flavor
- One ladle full of mix makes the perfect crepe in a 12inch pan. Flip only when the crepe is covered in bubbles.